It’s true that bad things are also part of life. But if we want to get out of it, then we have to accept it. Ultimately, we have to face it, or there is no other option except facing it and winning.
“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein
Have you seen the lines on machines in the ICU? There are two types: one with ups and downs (curved lines), and the other, straight. The straight line indicates death. Life is full of ups and downs—sometimes things go in our favor, and other times they don’t. But we must keep moving forward, using hope to make life better.
“Hope is a good thing, maybe even the best of things. And good things never die.” Andy Dufresne
After that, we start thinking about what to do and how to figure it out. We have life and countless blessings from God. But what comes next? How do we proceed? Some people get stuck in the planning phase, focusing on negative thoughts like ‘I can’t do this,’ ‘It’s impossible,’ or ‘We don’t have anything to start with.

Every day unfolds with new ideas, opportunities, hope, energy, inspiration, and the chance to create change. We must recognize this by understanding ourselves. Things will get better. There is no shortcut to hard work.
There is a way to change your life and break free from a world of depression:
- Write down your past mistakes; you know your mistakes better than anyone else. You know who you are. List everything—your debts, blunders, and faults—and accept it all.”
Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you!
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“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness.”
— Tyrion Lannister

2. Then make a plan and start working on it. Set a target and deadline, and try again and again until you succeed.
3. Read your plan aloud twice a day—once in the morning when you wake up and again at night before you go to sleep.
4. Discipline, hard work, and consistency are the keys to getting out of the worst phases of your life. Your life must follow discipline
“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.” – Jim